
Age 38, Male

Senior Software QA

Second degree IT studies

Kozienice, Poland

Joined on 7/27/08

Exp Points:
40,200 / 100,000
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Vote Power:
10.00 votes
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Master Sergeant
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B/P Bonus:
4y 1m 16d

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Recent Game Medals

3,955 Points

Tombo 5 Points

Tombo wants to fly! He will fly soon.

Sun Sign 5 Points

Rising Sun Symbol

Bird Poo 5 Points

Just a blob of feathers.

From A-Z 5 Points

A trophy to let you know that A-Z Matters.

My Own Piece of Dirt 5 Points

Your very own piece of dirt, butterfly not included.

The Riddler 5 Points

A nightmare for some. For others, a savior I come. My hands cold and bleak. Its the warm hearts they seek. What am i?.

Tony's Memories 5 Points

A lot of stuff indeed

Uberkid is PISSED 5 Points

Uberkid (from the Pico's School series) is done with Pico's shenanigans and is seeking revenge while filled with rage and anger.

Shit Poster 5 Points

Those who make the worst contributions on a consistent basis are awarded a trophy such as this!

Crown Award 5 Points

You are the king ^3

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Welcome everyone!

First thing:

Greetings to you guys! My homies and the whole NG gang! What a time! Time flies! Incredibly fast! That's why... people... do what you've always wanted to do and never postpone it! Because... you'll never do it! Hehe :P Always do it regularly, and you don't have to do a lot at once :0 That's good too :) I also sometimes postpone something, but I try to do everything in small steps and it actually works! Yes, you're right... it's mainly about Reduce 3 :P Cool, hehehe xD Okay, I also spend a lot of time with my treasure :) My wonderful love :P Hehe, I'll brag a little, why not! We spend time together nicely and sometimes we go to different places - on bikes and for different walks :) It's a nice break from creating animations and QA work. And how are things going for you? I'm curious :) Maybe you'll share? And if you don't have a partner, you can tell me what's going on with your family lately :) That's also great. The weather has been getting worse lately unfortunately... I mean it's getting colder... and because of that I can't ride my bike as often and it's not sunny, so the time of year is starting when it's not so nice anymore - now it gets dark early and you also have to hide from the cold, but you have to move somehow... exercise somehow... ehh, I hope I won't have to go back to the gym :/ Because I don't like it anymore... sitting with strangers in a smelly room :/ nothing nice... but maybe I'll find something more interesting. Er... I think that's enough of my therapy here xD Okay, so let's move on to Reduce 3 itself, which I'm happy with (so far xD).

Main thing:

Oh yes! Exactly... because you probably want to hear about Reduce 3, right? So where are those hands up? <crowd goes crazy> Well, since there are so many people willing, let's start! Waiter! Open the champagne! I will be writing about Reduce 3! So I'll start with some general information - what's going on in the animation... after the first part (that dream of the main wonderful character - Mejson :P) comes the second part - a fight / struggle with Mejson's biggest nightmare, Steve... Steve Demon! <crowd shouts - madness!>. Of course, creating something like this is always time-consuming and sometimes creating a 2s movie takes 2h... that's how it is, lol. And since I'm writing about it, I'll tell you how long it is in total - Episode 1... It's currently - 121.5s! I think it's pretty good! :) I don't know how long this dream (nightmare) will be yet, but I intend to get as much out of this action as I can! But don't worry because I'm always trying to do something new (nothing repeats itself too much). @MariogD... you bastard, don't complain! A strong start is a good start! And in previous seasons there wasn't a good longer fight! Let's have fun :P And later there will be time for a rich scene - logic, emotions, meaning and message (and other crap xD). Cool, just kidding :P So I'm going to start my roller skates in this nightmare... because I can! Buehehehehe xD Ahem... I declare that I'm still healthy in body and mind :P Cool. Hmm, what else can I add... Keep your fingers crossed! Oh, I forgot to write earlier... health and happiness to you! Because that's the most important thing!

Extra thing:

@MATRVG greetings! I wanted to mention that he is currently working on CS.SiFvsSa2C#2 Remastered! I am very proud and happy with the progress of this project! Keep up the good work! I hope we will see a release in the near future! Greetings, @MATRVG once again! Make a hand's wave to him!

I think the poster turned out great, so please comment and rate it here:

In the next Poster I will present... Well... Probably another progress of this scene just getting started! It will be spicy! Yeeea! :P Well... Just like last time... I know I repeated myself, hehehe :P

@Cyberdevil, @AzureDragoonGX, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Mazurek, @Colizza, @XavierDalton, @MATRVG, @uncookboi, @adr3-n? My crew, you can now see it in the project preview - Reduce 3 - Episode I!


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