And your best is pretty good time. ;) For sure, some time just too few moments...
Age 38, Male
Senior Software QA
Second degree IT studies
Kozienice, Poland
Joined on 7/27/08
And your best is pretty good time. ;) For sure, some time just too few moments...
I can tell this gonna be good chief.
Sure, yes, but there will be whining about the development of the plot :P because this part is only a bit explained...
@uncookboi and how do you like animation because you have access? : P
@Mejson Never did animation before but i'll try
Well, I mean, you can test :P What do you want to create?
@uncookboi @Mejson
Mejson I am afraid, that @uncookboi wanted to say, he never did any animation, so it would be harder to testing animation by him. @uncookboi correct me if i am wrong.
Okey, so it's classic misunderstanding :)
Hello again Mejson!
I like the theme that while many things are being given tangible, physical meaning, there still remains a sense of humanity for the survivors. That's something shows of similar nature to Reduce didn't really touch upon, like Walking Dead. You can keep this kind of narrative going, and Reduce will be outright amazing from start to finish. ;D
Just a note that in a bit of time, I will be available for voicing some new lines. And also, if you would be interested, I could provide some creative input for the series' direction alongside yourself, MariogD, and Mazurek, as I'm a bit of a writer myself. :)
- Azure ;)
@Animetion24 it is great pleasure to hear you. We appreciate your presence. Thanks for kind words. We do our best :D.
Your work with Densin voice is amazing. I am 100% certain that we will again need next recordings of him (you :p) in Reduce 3. Frankly speaking sometimes I think that dialogues are not very strong part of movie, so probably we will send you first example of script to the very next parts to verification.
I am planning to make greater consultation about scripts from Reduce 2,5 (short extension) - Reduce 2: Frozen Hell, so be prepared!
@MariogD Yeah, I'll gladly take a look at the scripts when you send them over, help make the dialogue sound more natural. <:D
I thought it was about that bad voice and 'square' pronunciation...
Dialogues adequate to the introductory part of Reduce 1.
Hmm Okay I guess maybe it should be better written...
@Animetion24 @Mejson I think problem is in lack of consultation. We should show script and dialogues to other people f.e. Mazurek, rash or now to Animetion24. It is hard to write something good alone.
We will need to translate and scan all the necessary elements of the script into English, which will certainly be an additional job...
I officially announce that MariogD becomes the director of scripts and is the leader of the band: rash, Mazurek, Animetion24 and the people that MariogD will designate...
@Animetion24 @Mejson Oh I can assure you Mejson I'm not throwing shade at Reduce, the plot is great, as I've indicated during the last few news posts; everyone can have some refinements, and making the dialogue more natural, for instance alternating our apostrophe usage or exchanging one word for another can go a long way. That won't alter the plot much, if at all. :)
Cool, I'm not angry.
I know that Reduce 1 was poorly, but it was new to us and we were just begin comprehend this story...
PS. Did MariogD tell you the reason and purpose of the whole series? :P :P :P
@Animetion24 @Mejson @Mejson No, I don't think he got me up to speed about that. <:o
Just the fourth scene left huh... this is looking promising! Good descriptions, good poster, really fast progress with this too. Merry Christmas man! Hope you have some time to wind down too!
Thank you very much, my friend. Everything I do - I do as best as I can :P
Thanks for Christmas greetings :)
Yes, it's nice to relax sometimes...