Part 1 certainly amped up and brought home the idea that Mejson is dealing with so much more than any sort of physical trauma, and he still isn't quite ready for field work (if Delsin throwing him a weapon and it just bounces off didn't say that enough already). While certainly a shock for anyone were they put in his shoes to see their fallen friend in Steve haunt them, I felt there could've been far more shock value if Mejson woke up seeing the rest of his (living) colleagues sleeping around the campsite, and then they disappear when Steve is reintroduced (which Mejs would notice). Then in part 2, the brief scare with Candy running off again was good way of telling the audience to stay on their toes.
This is also my biggest dialogue tree for Delsin in awhile too, and dear-y me my voice sounds so different after so many years.
I very like nightmare scene. It is done as expected. I like the second part. Conversation between heroes seems to be natural (Mejson's angry!). Candy appearnace is very nice (you know what I mean). I like Delsin voice. It is calm and peaceful.
I have this feeling that maybe sequence with Candy loss is too often. Maybe we should try to limit in Reduce 3?
It's always done as expected and naturally because I'm a master of Stick Figures...
In the future (Reduce 3) Candy will become more and more connected with the world (coming out of Autism). The genesis of his relationship with Mejson will be approximate (why he is so worried about him). Maybe in Reduce 3 Candy will start talking? What do you think about it?