Ahh Crazy Flash Mejson, didn't know about that awesome alter ego alias! XD YEAAAAAAH LET'S KEEP THAT GOING TOO!!!
You didn't chuckle at all? :) Ah well, I'll send a link next time I stumble onto something of similarly low quality that you might enjoy too...
hard to say, though sites like this get linked to a lot now: https://animatearchive.neocities.org/?home
...so I think people are continually picking it up now, since Adobe no longer supports it it seems that there's an overall sense that's it okay to just download and use it for free. There's always been piracy, but when it's publicly shared like this too... at least I don't think it'll disappear entirely anytime soon! There's still no tool as good out there that isn't commercial... as far as I know.
Ah maybe you could pick up CS eventually too? :D People do like simple things yeah, and the shorter their attention spans get maybe the more so. Though I still think it's to a large part a matter of promotion. To just get people to invest time in a few of these they might really get into it too.
In regard to age, yupp, I am starting to notice some changes. :) Maybe when you pass 30 is when that really picks up...
@Animetion24 ( ͡~ ͜ʖ͡° )