Biking is good for your health, my most memorable trip this year was when I almost ended up in Singapore and Sumatra because I got lost in the air XD
Ahh yes, have some quality time with your parents, have fun!
The adults spiders will kill everyone, mauhahaha
The "Spieder" Project is worth your time! Looks incredible... I can't find any other words, just :o
Bicycle is great activity - I recommend it to children... and adults ;)
What i think about Scene 1? This announcement smells better than an eighteen-year-old girl in the shower!
Thanks! Well, it looks amazing and 'surprise' also looks great in the animations - all the basic movements such as: walking, attacking, getting hit, dying and the like. Cool, these words are amazing enough :P
A bike is a great thing... I recommend it to babies and retirees :P
Whaaat??? But you gave it xD Interesting idea :P Well, I will be writing (if I can) this week a script for Mejson's nightmare. @MariogD, will there be dubbing? Have you forgotten again? You sclerosis :P
Thanks for the comment, dude! You haven't forgotten, not like the rest xD