I have 27 seconds of 12 epizode, and the action has not begun well :)
Age 38, Male
Senior Software QA
Second degree IT studies
Kozienice, Poland
Joined on 7/27/08
I have 27 seconds of 12 epizode, and the action has not begun well :)
Great, man! Reduce 1 is near completion. But the action has "not" begun well? :O
Conversation and archery - 20 s.
Action - 7 s. :)
Ah I see. I was beginning to think Reduce 1 was just a buildup for the action in 2. But good to divide the action up on the parts. Good thinking :)
I wrote you how I finished, episode 12 may have a 2 - 3 min :)
I already finished 10 episodes of pre-script to Reduce 2 :)
Pre-script eh? How many levels of editing and revising go into it before the final? :)
I'm writing a script, and then we improve it with the team and possibly add something :)
Cool, a collab. :) How do you all edit it? By PM, Skype, Chat, or other?
we all meet up with my brother in his house :)
When I fully get into the project, how should I give input on the scripts? :O
In total, you already did :)
Heh, I mean when you are editing the script with the other 19. :)
I don't know when, but we have to do this by the end of the month...
Other 19?
I'm working on the script with:
MariogD, Mazurek (in the second part he does not helping because he left of the country), Zip.
rash - too lazy,
Mały - long time not seen him,
Bott* - I do not know...
Pawelo - busy,
Stuk - I rarely sees him,
Równy - he doesn't care,
Mercik - just watching the results.
On Reduce 2 I *work mainly with my brother :/
*work - he help me a little :)
Good to know. I guess I should have thought that it would be difficult to takes the considerations of the entire cast. But I'm loyal to the bone on projects, so I want to be sure I'm doing my share (and more). So any way I can, I want to help you out on the scripts. :)
Thanks :)
Willingly showed you a script, but I have no power to rewrite all on computer and translate :/
Make do with what we got is key :)
Eee... I don't understand, I don't know if it's because I worked the whole day and I'm tired or what?
Eh don't beat yourself up trying to figure it out. Just do what you can and I'll do what I can is basically the meaning. :)
OK :)
Is hard to catch me. Today i have time, but i dont know what be tomorrow.
Usually I like to have everything planned, but it does not work always.
When you want to added your character?
Are you recording your dialogs?
Already a lot of characters are mute :)
So you're waiting to be posted on stickpage? that's kind of cool...
Yes, we are waiting :)
When? Hm... First tell me how you want to record my voice - meeting, on-line or I record myself and deliver data?
Bott* without voice? No way - for now. I do not know how my voice will sound. Maybe it will suck, but it's worth a try.
I have to finish the script and dialogues record to the end of this month.
In Reduce_2 already added: Keni, God-DL, Conrad, Delsin, Równy.
I don't really know when you adding in Reduce_2, so if you really don't want...
I add you in Reduce_3.
Well, in Reduce_2 is 11 characters, it's too much...
I have to decide who to kill :/
Just like Sophie's choice...
Characters in Reduce_2:
- Mejson (leader),
- MariogD (archer),
- Mazurek (handyman),
- Zip (medic),
- Steve - KILL,
- Candy (Funny),
- Keni - TARGET,
- Conrad - TARGET,
- Delsin (new),
- Równy - KILL.
TARGET - 2 more of these 3...
If someone does not fit let them say...
Keni, God-DL, Conrad it appears my fans...
I don't know if I should have them put to death...
I don't know if they will return...
I don't know what to do... :/
Keep calm, I am patient :)
OK :)
Brother I think that we should kill person who is called "Mejson" . He lived too long :P
I think that "MariogD" because it is terribly annoying :)
I already finished 15 episodes of pre-script to Reduce 2 :)
All planned scenes in Reduce #2:
Episode 1 - "The nightmares"
Episode 2 - "The matched duo"
Episode 3 - "The rotten weather"
Episode 4 - "The training is a health"
Episode 5 - "Almost there..."
Episode 6 - "The climbing"
Episode 7 - "The coveted support"
Episode 8 - "The clumsy mistake"
Episode 9 - "The another loss..."
Episode 10 - "The despair..."
Episode 11 - "The rage..."
Episode 12 - "The thing..."
Episode 13 - "Just wait..."
Episode 14 - "The patching..."
Episode 15 - "Again..."
Episode 16 - "The logs underfoot"
Episode 17 - "Too much..."
Episode 18 - "The eternally hungry..."
Episode 19 - "The survivors..."
Episode 20 - "He knows..."
Pre-script to Reduce 2 is READY :)
Hey Mejson I think this forum has hit the featured content on the little bar on the bottom of the main page :D
Once I placed a message in this way and it didn't work :/
Unless you have something else in mind :)