Hello everyone :P
It's big pleasure to introduce you two knives… yyyyy :P I mean two wonderful scene. I already has finished two scene :P :P :P
Scene 1 - "The nightmares"
Nightmares... an inseparable aspect of life. They always chase us and don't let sleep at night... They are the epitome of our stress, doubts and past events... They won't stop haunting us until we close some issues from the past or we organize our lives. Nightmares often affect people who have something on their conscience, unless someone has no conscience...
Scene 2 - "The matched duo"
Matched duo... there is always better with company. It doesn't matter whether you are super fast... extraordinary strong... or you have the eyes of a falcon... sooner or later will happen that the cruel beast of reality will dump you from the saddle... and if you go through life alone then it finally going to destroy you... Therefore, never forget what friendship is - it will never let you down...
What do you think about this? :)
PS. Mejson's gold thoughts :P :P :P
Mejson, what a sophisticated description. You can still suprise me. I think the Reduce 2 will rock!
Thank you very much brother!
And you are the best brother :P
I hope that Reduce 2 will be like a divine ambrosia!!!