how are you doing, healthy?
This time... it didn't last long... I'm happy to say that... I finished - Scene 17!
This scene lasts 57.7 seconds, which is almost a minute. I think that's pretty good. :)
We have here some emotions and something new / unprecedented so far... our 'silly' Candy... as you probably noticed, he is going through an internal transformation - he comes out (in a way) from Autism... In this scene you can see it perfectly... I don't tell you more. :P
Current frame consumption (for the whole animation) is: 11289 / 16000 frames.
I know there is not much left...
However (without panic) the situation is as follows:
- Scene 18 - 2000 max frames (but probably less),
- Scene 19 - 2000 max frames (but probably less),
- Scene 20 - possible between: 230 - 430 frames,
- Closing credits - I'm going to use ActionScript 3.0 to scroll through the subtitles to save frames (it's a very good idea because why waste frames on the final subtitles),
- Scene 21 - possible between: 230 - 430 frames.
The current length of the animation is: 490,8 seconds or 8 minutes and 10,8 seconds.
What do you think about this scene?
It seems that you will be able to avoid extending the Flash's limit. Ok we do not have to remove some part of scenes.
Yes of course. :)
I don't know if you noticed my brother, but I can already grasp every problem. :)
In the end I'm - Master Stick Animator... Buhahahahahaha...