Hello, are you still OK?
This is a very short scene that has the function of showing for the first time the 'cause' of all the confusion and the reason for the whole situation in Saga Reduce... This can also be called a spoiler. :P
At the moment his name is... Havoc. For now it's the best name that @Cyberdevil came up with. Do you have any better ideas for this name?
This scene lasts 19 seconds, which is really short... I know that I did this scene for a long time, but... I have been practicing a lot lately and I'm tired and... I have no strength to do this animation... I know it's a pity because we all want to finish this animation.
Current frame consumption (for the whole animation) is: 13752 / 16000 frames, so we are left: 2248 frames (we have this frames for one scene - Scene 21).
The current length of the animation is: 588 seconds.
What do you think about this scene?
Still OK! You?
Cool to hear my idea was chosen too. :) Nothing more's come to mind, maybe this one might actually stick hmm...
That's a crazy amount of frames too. Was there a limit at 16,000, or was that the goal?
I like the preview above. Hope to preview in a while...
Me too!
Yes, it seems to me that this name actually matches :P
This is the maximum quantity allowed in a single animation (16000 frames) and cannot be exceeded.
Ohh forgive my friend, I did not expect such a quick response... animation not yet 'Published' XD I usually send an email with information and add a version for the computer (.exe). :P