Welcome everyone!
We're starting a new project! - Reduce 2 - Pass of Time, which is the first and also only addition to Reduce 2 :)
I know most of you were looking forward to it! Together with my brother (@MariogD) we decided that we want to design all scenes with you!
However, let's start with some interesting information.
I almost finished all the artwork for Reduce 2 - Pass of Time (main menu, nature effects, extras, new quality). I will add to preview when I'm finished. Hope you like it. :)
The animation begins when the heroes are separated by Ant Zombies - Mejson, MariogD, Candy (with ant) and Delsin break through and reach the door. Keni, Zip and Mazurek must turn back and run away because an army of Ant Zombies is chasing them!
Scene 1 - Run and hide!
Inscription (on black background):
Episode 1
Day 13
(~ 1 day earlier)
5:46 AM
1. Still black background, but with a scary_momment sound followed by heavy panting and heartbeat (echoing). Then brighten up and a narrow screen (panorama) and show three characters (from the waist down) that run to the right: Keni, Mazurek and Zip.
2. Darkening again and scary_momment sound, then brightening (still panorama) and showing the ant zombies - also legs.
3. —||— the characters from head to waist (the same) as they run sweating and panting.
4. —||— the ant zombies from head to waist (the same).
5. Brighten up and Keni turns the crank (opens the gate) is sweaty. Mazurek runs past, and Zip runs to Keni and faces him.
6. Keni finishes crank and turns and shouts to Zip, "Move your ass, moron!". Zip shrugs and frosts his eyes and runs to the right.
7. The Zip runs and Keni blocks the crank with a stick (supports it with a stick) and runs after them.
8. After a while, Ant Zombies run by. Blackout.
Light effect:
Yellow (early morning).
Keni: "Move your ass, moron!"
What do you think about this scene? Do you have any ideas?
Brother, there should be in the dialogue "Keni: "Move your ass, morons!". Because Keni is speaking to the two characters
No, Keni only screams at the Zip - Mazurek has already run.