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Reduce 2 - Pass of Time - Scene 11 (Planning/Draft)

Posted by Mejson - September 5th, 2020


Welcome everyone!

It's a next scene planning/draft - this time it's: Scene 11 - Secret Alliance to Reduce 2 - Pass of Time - the first and also only addition to Reduce 2 :)

I know there has been no Poster for 8 days, but I had a very busy week (presentation in front of the entire company) and therefore I didn't have time... My brother (@MariogD) was on vacation all week, so I designed this scene myself, so please double check the grammar (dialogues), @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24.

Scene 1 - Run and hide! - Approved!

Scene 2 - Our "friend" - Approved!

Scene 3 - A New Hope - Approved!

Scene 4 - A New Beginning - Approved!

Scene 5 - Still Alive! - Approved!

Scene 6 - Opposite Emotions - Approved!

Scene 7 - Brutal Ambush - Approved!

Scene 8 - "Wrong Number" - Approved!

Scene 9 - Funny Situation - Approved!

Scene 10 - Disagreement - Approved!

Scene 11 - Secret Alliance

Inscription (on black background):

Episode 11
Day 22
(~10 hours later)
7:36 PM


1. The camera moves left to right (showing the surrounding area), you hear the thumps. Then the camera zooms in on the standing Rash.
2. It hits the training pole (a marked wooden pole stuck in the ground). He makes swings by leaning back and hitting with all his strength while leaning forward (with a wooden sword).
3. The camera zooms out a bit, Keni comes over and says indifferently: "Not bad, but you have to move your whole body", and then adds: "Give it to me, I'll show you".
4. Rash hands the wooden sword to Keni smiling and saying, "You're a real specialist aren't you?" Keni takes his sword and raises an eyebrow (also smiling) and says (friendly) "Don't bullshit me", then adds (making a serious face and focusing on the pole) "Watch and learn".
5. Hits the pole taking a swing that starts with hip movement, then turns to Rash and says: "You see?"
6. Rash nods and adds: "Okay, thanks". They smile, and after a while Keni grows serious. Rash also grows serious.
7. Keni slowly approaches Rash (Rash makes a terrified face - scary_moment sound) and, Keni standing very close, asks seriously: "Can I trust you?"
8. Rash recovers quickly, then looking seriously into Keni's eyes, confidently (calmly) replies: "Of course" then adds (seriously), "I've always been on your side".
9. Keni smiles, then Rash does the same (scary_moment sound). Blackout.

Light effect:

Yellow (early morning).


Keni: "Not bad, but you have to move your whole body"
Keni: "Give it to me, I'll show you"
Rash: "You're a real specialist aren't you?"
Keni: "Don't bullshit me"
Keni: "Watch and learn"
Keni: "You see?"
Rash: "Okay, thanks"
Keni: "Can I trust you?"
Rash: "Of course"
Rash: "I've always been on your side"




Alright, grammar check. :) Just a couple ones that seem off to me...

"Are you such a specialist?" sounds a bit odd, though not really gramatically wrong, maybe "Are you really that good?" or "You're a real specialist aren't you?"
"Have you seen?" > "You see?"

Busy week here as well, as always lately. Hope the presentation went well!

"Are you such a specialist?" - It was supposed to be malicious / sarcastic (as usual, Rash has because he is a malicious dick). XD

"You're a real specialist aren't you?" - It fits in my opinion :)

Just "You see?" ? OK :P

I understand. Do you have a lot of work all the time? I am waiting for your "comeback" all the time :)

This week I also had many work :/

Aha, in that case "You're a real specialist aren't you?" should work with that tone too. XD

Yupp, it'd be a more natural way to ask for affirmation. "Have you seen" is more like the start of a question, for example "Have you seen the apocalypse?"

Ah yeah I've been thinking about that too. It's not just work but just a lot of household things lately, calling around regarding the car, going through storage, picking apples, packing, trying to sell off some stuff, time runs off too fast sometimes!

Hope things get back to a more reasonable pace for all of us soon. :)

Okay, I hope so. :)

This scene's got all the events it needs; just some corrections:

Keni: "Look carefully -> "Watch carefully/Watch and learn." (Nothing wrong with Look, but when somebody goes to demonstrate something, I find they often say watch more.)

Rash: "I will always be by your side" -> "I've always been on your side." (Given Keni and Rash's friendship, I feel it's good to give a reminder that there is a reason Keni had trusted Rash at least up until now, especially since he is generally apathetic to everyone else.)

Cool, very good corrections. I will improve! Thanks :)

OK, this scene approved!
I already sent the dialogue scripts to the crew (Zip, Mazurek and Plasmarift).

In 'Reduce 2 - Pass of Time' the voice is given by:
- Zip to Zip,
- Mazurek to Mazurek,
- Plasmarift to Mejson, Keni, Rash and Havoc.

Mazurek has already recorded and he did it great! I look forward to seeing the others. :)

As you probably noticed, we don't have too many voice actors... and the new characters (which will appear in Reduce 3) will not be recorded by Plasmarift (he take enough)... that's why I think we need to think about expanding our team in the future. What do you think about it? @Cyberdevil, in a year you can think of someone new, because so far that's not a problem. :)

Nice. :) New voice acting talents hmm... I'll keep an eye out. Would've suggested Plasmarift if he wasn't here already. :P

Can definitely do some more too if needed.

Cool, you're very popular and people like you, so you're a good voice actors recruiter. :P

Yes, Plasmarift records a lot already, I would not like to overload it, although I suspect he could record to many characters. XD

@Cyberdevil, you could, but you're already recording to MariogD and Cyber (in future), so that's a lot. Apart from the fact that you recorded for Steve, Steve Zombie and Candy. And I can't help you change the timbre of your voice... I have no idea how Plasmarift does it. :)

Advanced voice timber changing may require some more practice indeed. :) He's a pro! Impressive as friend or foe (in the voice acting show). Just so you know the option's there! Should be stumbling into more people later this fall.

Maybe some special voice changer programs? I certainly won't ask Plasmarift how it does something. It's like trying to get someone's personal recipe for a masterpiece from someone. It would be very inelegant. :)

Without a doubt! He is a true professional! Hehhe, OK :P As a competitor on the same platform of creativity? :P

Cool, we'll be looking around. :)

Yeah that's an option too of course! Seemed earlier like you wanted to do that kind of editing for each one? Hehe, or possibly the secret ingredient's just: great talent. :)

Possibly. :) If I get more time I'd like to jump in on more VA stuff too later one, it's a quicker way to get involved with things than to really animate, program etc. And fun! :D

Yupp. Do you check the collabinator or collab forum at all btw? If not there's always a lot of offers there.

Hehe, okay :P Maybe just great talent! :)

More VA would you like to do? Cool idea! :P

I don't have time for that, I could use a special recruiter! XD

Haha yeah, time's an issue for all of us it seems. :P I'll jump into that recruiter role in a bit then, soon as I get back. Was meaning to ask btw, are you looking for both male/female VAs this time around? Just male?

Well... a lot of time is spent creating animations / projects because I am the only animator in our team :P

Ok, you are a great public speaker and writer :) You will be a good recruiter. You know what you can tempt with always... 'your' own character in our animation :P

The problem is that we don't know how to make female heroes, so I'm sorry to say that only males...

And yes, small VA roles on all kinds of projects I hope. :) It's easy fun.

Super :)

For sure, I know how much time animation takes from experience too, so props on that. :) It's one of the reasons I stopped. Music's a bit quicker. But probably my main interest either way. Anyway...

Thank you thank you. :) And indeed, custom character inclusion's the greatest honor you can get!!

Design-wise? Personality-wise? It'd be interesting to mix, but I was thinking it'd probably just be male. Gotcha.

I think so too, sound recording is faster, but if someone is weak at it (like me) it's a shame. xD

Well... if we are some VIPs or famous users maybe. :P but for now I don't know if our band is famous for NG.

Ok, ok :) Let's say the point for you. :)

Hmm TomFulp as a VA for the next part maybe? ;) Let's see how famous people we can get onboard...


Tom Fulp? Ohhh, I'm not sure if it's possible :P
Do you know him personally? I don't.
Once I wrote something officially, and he wrote back to me officially. XD
I think he's a very busy guy, although I don't know what he's been doing lately.
Hmm that was a bit of a joke? :P

Yes, we will see ;)

Unfortunately don't know him personally no. :) He jumps in on NG-related things occasionally, no matter how small, but yeah it'd probably be a stretch to get him on this. You never know though!

That's awesome. :) I think he's commented on one of my newsposts ONCE, when I was reminiscing on my tenth year anniversary here, but otherwise I try to not bother him too much, he seems to interact with people almost too much for his own good sometimes, such a big job just to keep this site running, but it's really one of the reasons I love this place, that he's still so passionate about the community; takes time to speak to everyone if he has the time. As far as I know everyone on NG staff is is self-isolating right now, they still have recommended quarantine in the US, been wonder if it's impacting their work with the site or not. Maybe he's just knee-deep in the latest Behemoth game though, Nightmare Cops, it's been a work in progress for a few years now. A bit of a joke yeah. ;) But might not be impossible to get some really well-known people in otherwise, if they have simple lines, we shall see...

Also missed responding to the first bit in the previous message: it's a good thing we all have our individual strengths too! A complement on all our different crafts.

It's not known, but I would rather count on someone else :P

An interesting story!
I read about you that when you showed up, they wanted to ban you because you added a lot of articles :P

Of course it's okay!

Speaking of which, I'm writing with one guest and maybe we can get him involved because he asked what would help.

Can you check if you can trust him? : P He's from Russia. :P

Alright, it'll save him some time then too. :)

lol yeah, though articles? Reviews, submissions, something else...? I guess I didn't have the best reputation here back in the day. :P Too efficient but not too thorough.

Ahh he's a friend of mine here! :D I've known him a few years now, haven't worked with him per se but we've spoken a lot. He spent last year/winter in the army, and recently came back; hopes to focus on making art and creative pursuits overall. I'd vouch for him. As for how he is to work with though I have no idea. If he meets deadlines and such. Would have to find out. :)

Cool, thanks for the generous recropection and description and history :P

Seems like a good person overall but that's all I know really.

Unfortunately, he is busy and he doesn't do FLASH animation anymore because he only creates for a fee, and FLASH is not used commercially. He doesn't have time to join us because he works and has to earn his bread. :/

Ah that's a shame, thought he was the one that reached out to you. :/ Oh well. Not easy to make it in the creative world if you want to make a living this way for sure.

Yes, it's not... especially if you want to get paid for it. We treat it as a hobby / life passion.

Too true!