Welcome everyone!
At the outset, I would like to thank everyone for their thorough work and professional approach - THANK YOU!
Next up, I have great news for you guys! Officially, I can say that we have all the Voice Recordings recorded. I'm very happy about it and I'm calm when we have it ready. :)
6 characters will appear in Reduce 2 - Pass of Time. It's like this:
- Zip (Hero) recording by ZipSquad (Zip),
- Mazurek (Hero) recording by Mazurek,
- Mejson (Hero) recording by Plasmarift,
- Havoc (Hero) recording by Plasmarift,
- Keni (Hero) recording by Plasmarift,
- Rash (Hero) recording by Plasmarift.
It's good for now, but next year there will be a problem with the lack of cast, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @MariogD.
What do you think about it?
I think my dear brother that we need at least two new people to voice acting in Reduce 3 (I see Don Pawelo, Bott*, Stuk, Mercik, Bill, Maly). We have many heroes, I think we need to increase number of deaths :D
Ok, my dear brother :P
But I'm not sure that there will be people who will be able to make it, so much :) I think we need 6 new Voice Actors :P
Yes, you have to wonder who is "under the knife" XD
Certainly not important characters.
I think that you can safely kill (in some terrible situations):
- Diablo (narcolepsy) - nobody's figure,
- Bill (does not stand out) - nobody's figure,
- Stuk - broken contact,
- Mały - broken contact,
so don't feel sorry for these characters and no one will be sad (won't be offended).
@Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, what do you think about it?