Welcome everyone!
This time a fairly fast XD update (less than 5 days later), so you can praise that I worked hard for two days :P Hehehehehe
As you noticed, this Poster is about an animated LOGO, which will be our symbol from now on - we are supporters of Flash and we will not let others close it :)
I updated both the swf in the project and the exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :P I think I made them quite delicately - without excessive aggression. Although, thinking that I should still add some text?
Let's summarize what is left to do:
- 12 heroes looks (animated),
- 2 puzzles (draw and cut),
- system of remembering unlocked medals.
What do you think about it, @MariogD, @Animetion24, and @Cyberdevil?
Now this is a badass logo. :D Any thoughts on making it a public .fla, or image, that others can add to their projects too? Would be pretty cool if it spreads even further. :) Of course without the Reduce characters then1 Simplified version then.
I'm trying to decide if the fist would look better with or without the blood splatter, it's gritty like this but maybe even more poweful without, like it really is the first of an immortal, doesn't even bleed... then again maybe it'd be more like the first of a statue. Not actively fighting at all. Hmm! With the Reduce saga in particular though it works well with blood too!
A couple things: seems occasionally the spacing between the letters is a bit uneven, like with the I in WILL or the V at the end of ALIVE, minor details but maybe still noticeable for some.
Anyway awesome work. Suitable music too. Nice transition with the text and fist pump, like it really is the start of a revolution! If you want to add even more power to it you could have the whole screen shake a bit/the stone ring crack/dust clouds or similar fly a bit right at the end. ;)
Thanks! XD Forgive me that I didn't reply earlier because I thought about it and relaxed on the weekend :P I was somehow tired after a week. Great idea, but what exactly should you do? And where to put it? Sure!
I might add a slight splash of blood, it would be pretty cool. :) And background cracks on this hand. :P Of course with adequate sounds :)
It was hard to set up XD Ok so easily, I'll correct: I in WILL and V in ALIVE. Cool :)
Thanks, you honor me :) Revolution! We will not let NG die, there is no way such a great website will collapse, because a big corporation does not pay off to use this technology anymore... And I am surprised by the reaction of people... when they find out that you are still using... Such a surprise: "Still using Flash?!". We have the right to use whatever we want, they cannot forbid us... and what else will be punished as a crime? XD But don't worry :P NG is like a big spaceship that is escaping from an exploding planet XD I think it would be cool to print this symbol on black t-shirts :P
Shake the entire screen? Great idea :P It won't be easy because I have to do it with AS3 :) Ring break? Hmm can be combined with a background crack (background under the fist), it should be interesting! :) A bit of dust would definitely do a good job! :)