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Reduce 2 - Summary (LOGO - Animated)

Posted by Mejson - November 5th, 2020


Welcome everyone!

This time a fairly fast XD update (less than 5 days later), so you can praise that I worked hard for two days :P Hehehehehe

As you noticed, this Poster is about an animated LOGO, which will be our symbol from now on - we are supporters of Flash and we will not let others close it :)

I updated both the swf in the project and the exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :P I think I made them quite delicately - without excessive aggression. Although, thinking that I should still add some text?

Let's summarize what is left to do:

  • 12 heroes looks (animated),
  • 2 puzzles (draw and cut),
  • system of remembering unlocked medals.

What do you think about it, @MariogD@Animetion24, and @Cyberdevil?






Now this is a badass logo. :D Any thoughts on making it a public .fla, or image, that others can add to their projects too? Would be pretty cool if it spreads even further. :) Of course without the Reduce characters then1 Simplified version then.

I'm trying to decide if the fist would look better with or without the blood splatter, it's gritty like this but maybe even more poweful without, like it really is the first of an immortal, doesn't even bleed... then again maybe it'd be more like the first of a statue. Not actively fighting at all. Hmm! With the Reduce saga in particular though it works well with blood too!

A couple things: seems occasionally the spacing between the letters is a bit uneven, like with the I in WILL or the V at the end of ALIVE, minor details but maybe still noticeable for some.

Anyway awesome work. Suitable music too. Nice transition with the text and fist pump, like it really is the start of a revolution! If you want to add even more power to it you could have the whole screen shake a bit/the stone ring crack/dust clouds or similar fly a bit right at the end. ;)

Thanks! XD Forgive me that I didn't reply earlier because I thought about it and relaxed on the weekend :P I was somehow tired after a week. Great idea, but what exactly should you do? And where to put it? Sure!

I might add a slight splash of blood, it would be pretty cool. :) And background cracks on this hand. :P Of course with adequate sounds :)

It was hard to set up XD Ok so easily, I'll correct: I in WILL and V in ALIVE. Cool :)

Thanks, you honor me :) Revolution! We will not let NG die, there is no way such a great website will collapse, because a big corporation does not pay off to use this technology anymore... And I am surprised by the reaction of people... when they find out that you are still using... Such a surprise: "Still using Flash?!". We have the right to use whatever we want, they cannot forbid us... and what else will be punished as a crime? XD But don't worry :P NG is like a big spaceship that is escaping from an exploding planet XD I think it would be cool to print this symbol on black t-shirts :P

Shake the entire screen? Great idea :P It won't be easy because I have to do it with AS3 :) Ring break? Hmm can be combined with a background crack (background under the fist), it should be interesting! :) A bit of dust would definitely do a good job! :)

Thank you @Cyberdevil for these corrections and ideas! :) I am happy that you are with us! : P

- add a slight splash of blood (animated),
- background cracks on this hand + ring break (stop-motion animation),
- align the letters on the circle,
- shake the entire screen (AS3),
- a bit of dust (animated).


PS. @Cyberdevil, how to get the NG key ring?

Ah that's the wisest weekend way! :D I haven't relaxed a bit but: played some frisbee golf, helped a friend move... feels good to get out of the office chair a bit at least. Ready to get back to all tasks at hand for real soon as you've been away a bit...

Regarding putting it out as a standalone resource? Could just have a newspost with an .fla and .png download included, a little note on our want to keep Flash alive; we could all link to that when relevant. :) Maybe some artists will pick it up for their projects.

Ah yeah that'd be cool too! Nice. :)

Hell yeah! :D And hey that's an idea for merch too, hmm!

Well either that or just include the animation in a MC/graphic and move it accordingly so as to give an impression it shakes, even if it's just the canvas itself? ;) Whatever works.

Yes I think background crack's pretty much what I had in mind there, no need to break it entirely!

Maybe so, but I feel guilty if XD doesn't work well, that's cool and with a friend too :) Ready? Already get things done? :P Cool!

Yes, you can do that! Hmm I understand :) Fine, there will be such a Poster :)

I can't move because it's all in one frame and in practice the AS3 is simpler XD

Maybe yes! :P I'll see if it's enough :)

Regarding the list: sounds perfect. :)

NG key ring though? Do you mean the actual, physical one? That they used to sell in the shop? If so I guess the only way now would be via eBay if someone's still selling it, or on their new shop if it's there, don't remember if they just had t-shirts or more right now...

Thanks! :)

Yes, a physical key ring :) I once saw on NG that you can buy it, but I don't know if it's up to date info.

What is the address for the new NG store?

Seems like I might be thinking of a different NG key ring, maybe you mean something animation-related...

No, I saw the NA logo key ring - Tank.

Me ready? Not really but getting there I hope. :) Not enough time in a day though...

Nice. :)

Regarding the new store I think this is it right now: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/newgrounds

...a bit more expensive since they no longer make the merch themselves though, just the designs, but seems like a way to keep selling stuff without all the extra work that was involved with it. There's also some NG stuff here, but not official: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/newgrounds

The oldest NG store, before the on-site one, not sure where the revenue goes here though if it's still official or no: https://www.cafepress.com/+newgrounds+t-shirts

Also list of all items sold in the main NG shop earlier: https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/about-newgrounds/history/stories/the-ng-store

Individual links don't seem to work any longer but there's a tank keychain listed there.

Maybe someday you will have more time :)

Well, interesting, but actually terribly expensive XD

Well, it's too late and it's cool.

Maybe! XD

Yeaah I haven't bought anything there either just happy I managed to get an order in via the old NG shop before it closed, though they were never really affordable. Think I bought some of the stuff when it was on sale though...

eBay might still be an option. ;)

I understand, why did they close?

I don't need it that much :)

I think it was just too much work to handle shipping, returns etc, and they weren't making that large a profit anyway. They felt like they needed to focus on developing the site instead. More info about that on the link I linked to too. ;) https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/about-newgrounds/history/stories/the-ng-store

I understand perfectly well and it's actually very sorry because it was fun! Well, it's hard... but let's enjoy what we have! :)

Yupp. :) It was good while it lasted! Still have a vain hope it'll come back but probably not...

Fortunately, we still have each others XD