Welcome everyone!
It's high time for a new Poster! I'm currently working on the last set - heroes animation, but that's not what this Poster is about XD
I would like to inform you that I have completed all Puzzles - all 13 different Puzzles. You can arrange them now :) They each have 96 elements to arrange :P I wonder how many people will arrange them all :) Or maybe they won't feel like it? Does the author of this medal game see the statistics somewhere, how many people have unlocked these medals? A few people (even from the crew) said it was too much work and hardly anyone would like it, but I think it's a chalenging because these are secrets from the far future and it shouldn't be easy to discover... Because this information is from future (over a year), so it shoud be a bit tiring :P For me it takes 20 minutes to complete one puzzle. :) I'm glad that I managed to finish this Puzzle XD
Those who have not yet managed to download LOGO, and would like to invite you to this Poster: LOGO_POSTER
What do you think about it, @MariogD, @Animetion24, and @Cyberdevil? I updated both the swf in the project and the exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)
And you should sometimes write a comment, lazybones :P