Welcome everyone!
New day - new Poster! Hehehe, what's up? Everyone's healthy? I hope so :) Stay healthy in body and mind together! :P
This is the last Poster related to the Main Menu. As you know Reduce 2 - Past of Time is not the main timeline / main events. That's why my mates and I figured out that you should add information about when this part / addition begins.
Here is the text:
'Events within this expansion (animation) begin when our heroes are separated by an unfortunate ambush by Zombies. The group that can't get through must retreat... Keni, Mazurek and Zip. Can they truly hide? Will they survive?'
I believe that the term 'expansion (animation) begin' is important, as it clearly states when it begins.
I would absolutely like the phrase: 'separated by an unfortunate ambush by Zombies', because as you can see it clearly defines 'who the trap is by' and there is a reference (linking) in the word 'Zombies', so it's necessary.
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @MariogD, @SayMeBott and @Mazurek? I updated both the swf in the project and the exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)
Hmm would be a shame to not use the @Animetion24's version at all, maybe slightly merged, as so?
Events within this expansion (animation) begin when our heroes are separated by an unfortunate ambush by Zombies. The group that can't get through must retreat... Keni, Mazurek and Zip. Where could they possibly hide? Can they survive this new, despairing ordeal?
Or more (best leave such edits to the one and only ^)?
I'm OK with either. This, or the above, or the earlier one by A24 slightly modified. It's true the zombie element does add to the context, though possible benefit in leaving it a surprise too? Personally I don't think I'd use 'expansion (animation)' but more so just 'expansion', as the format already speaks for itself, otherwise either way sounds good!
Ok, I think this combination is great:
'Events within this expansion begin when our heroes are separated by an unfortunate ambush by Zombies. The group that can't get through must retreat... Keni, Mazurek and Zip. Where could they possibly hide? Can they survive this new, despairing ordeal?'
Thank you gentlemen for your help! :P