Welcome everyone!
As 3 days have passed since the previous Poster, and also I'm on vacation for 3 days :P So far it's quite crazy... once a whole day without electricity, and once a visit to the dentist XD Sharp! Hehehehehe
This Poster is entirely devoted to the work of our new miraculous artist: ChordC
Bravo! And congratulations! Really great job! :)
Sounds and Music that will fit perfectly and create an amazing atmosphere! I, @MariogD and @SayMeBott had the pleasure to listen and we are very impressed! :)
Music to be used in Reduce 2 - Pass of Time (Scene 1)! You can listen to this track directly on: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/988914
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @MariogD, @SayMeBott and @Mazurek?
I don't need to say anything - just click link from description and then you will understand :)
Exactly! @SayMeBott and his meaningful respond XD