Welcome everyone!
How are you? Do you have a nice Christmas? Yes? So it's a good time to disturb your quiet time a bit XD Hehehe, because it's best time for a new Poster!
Before you - Credits (I know it's a bit weird XD), i.e. summarizing / extracting and listing the elements used and the role of the (team) in the entire animation.
Ok, I think I will divide the information into two sections to avoid confusion... First - I will introduce what is included / added. Second - I will ask you to check the individual elements (I am not sure if they are correct).
First (added / done):
- playing music created by @ChordC,
- centered end credits (flowing from bottom to top),
- appearing (alternately - once on the right and once on the left) characters with their texts (to the viewer), which will be 10, currently there are 4 due to armors not ready (they will appear later in the animation),
- standard photos (flowing from bottom to top) of dead characters (on a black background) with sad music (Broken Hearts - Michael Ortega),
- thanks (to the viewer) and info.
Second (check / verification):
- do we need any additional sounds, @ChordC (when big white texts appears)?
- are the characters' texts correct?: "K: What you looking at?!", "M: Don't you have any nails?", "Z: Don't you need my help?", "R: Stunned by my coolness?",
- should we provide information with @ChordC songs - which scene was it used for? For example: "Over your Shoulder - ChordC (for Scene 1)", "Little Fighters - ChordC (for Credits)",
- should music (Broken Hearts - Michael Ortega) for photos also be made by @ChordC? @ChordC, would you like to make such sad music for this?
- what should the informative text about the ending of the second part of this saga sound like? Something like: "End of Reduce 2 Movie" or maybe a longer one?
NOTE: To see the credits, start the animation ("Play"), then click on "Gear" and select "Scene". Then click the scene selection icon and select the last scene ("12"). Credits will show / start after a while.
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Mazurek and Rashty92? I updated both the swf in the project and the exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)
1. At what segment does the big white text show up? and what does it say?
2. I think the text should be: "K: What are you looking at?!", "Z: Need a hand?"
3. I can make sad music for the segment
4. Ending text card should be: "End of Chapter 2", but I think this is not a chapter, right? in that case, "End of Reduce 2", should be enough.
1. Apparently I did not explain enough in detail :) I mean: "To be continued...", "Thank you for watching". In Reduce 2 - Part II there were flashes and lightning strikes.
2. K: What you looking at ?! (we already used in the previous section) - is correct, as what an intentional rude / malicious term. Z: Don't you need my help? - It's about medical help, I don't know... what do others think? (@Cyberdevil and @Animetion24).
3. OK, cool! I can't wait! :)
4. "End of Reduce 2" - first line, second line - "See you in Reduce 3"?