Welcome everyone!
Time for a new Poster! Not only for the principle of adding a new Poster, but also to cover some issues... well as usual problems arise XD
Let me start with the most obvious thing, namely - 'Reduce 2 - Pass of Time' has 12 scenes, and each scene will last around 1 minute, and sometimes probably longer, so... I will probably have to divide this animation into: Part I and Part II XD In addition, there is also a problem with the End Credits, which will have to be done in the "old" style, because to be able to convert our animation to MP4, there cannot be any AS3... so the end credits themselves can last 2-3 minutes XD. All the worries and process involved in converting SWF to MP4 will be discussed in another Poster in the future, so that's a worry for another time...
Now let's focus our attention on 'Scene 2'... well, this scene begins by showing some terrain - Roots (with morning lighting and nature sounds) - 4.3s. And then a close-up on Mazurek crouched on his knee, breathing deeply (he's sweating) - 4.3s, and a drop of sweat is dripping down his head and dripping. I believe that it is worth showing the feelings and emotions as well as real human reactions of our heroes. Therefore, I am asking you - @ChordC for help with the sounds (I came to the conclusion that the sound should be added every bit of the scene, and not at the very end because it is a tedious process).
I need these sounds:
Mazurek - inhale_1 - 0.4s
Mazurek - exhale_1 - 0.4s
Mazurek - inhale_2 - 0.4s
Mazurek - exhale_2 - 0.6s
Mazurek - inhale_3 - 0.4s
Mazurek - exhale_3 - 0.9s
It seems to me that a heartbeat is not needed, we want to show that our heroes are tired (adrenaline has already fallen).
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Mazurek and Rashty92?
All sounds good so far. And yeah, I get the want to give the characters respite after they were in a tense first scene. But I think it's only more human for them to continue thinking about their survival, so perhaps after Mazurek finishes his heavy breathing, he is seen inspecting himself for any cuts he might've received while running. It could be explained that Zip has been instructing them to keep doing this as they come back to their (old) sanctuary. We didn't need to see it before because they weren't so overrun back then, but this time they had no safe opportunity prior, so Mazurek remembers to do it now.
It would also serve as a foreshadowing for what's to happen soon in the same scene as well (if the Scene II news page from way back last year is still up to date)
This most likely wouldn't need any sounds, unless the ruffling of the leaf armor is needed. Neither will there be voices, and probably takes all of three seconds at minimum.
What do you think, @Mejson, @Cyberdevil, and @ChordC ?
Have you seen 'Scene 1'? Cool? Well, here they take a breath, but as it turns out, it's not a safe place. It will not check or bandage because something... disturbing is about to happen. I stick to the script and only more add character reactions. Zip is very tired and scared / annoyed now. According to the sounds created by our sound master, we stick to the concept of adding sounds to everything, even running or walking.