Welcome everyone!
New Poster after 4 days :) But this time it is an update related to planning / reviewing all scenes, because there is a need to think about the whole animation on: Part I and Part II.
Before I created this workbook, I wasn't sure how to manage these scenes effectively, so it's a good update :P And now I know :D I added a file to shared files with crew in the project.
Now let's take a look at the clip below - these are all scenes. The colors represent:
- green color - these are "calm" scenes, i.e. those in which there are conversations / plot / shown relations between the characters,
- yellow color - means a certain risk that affects the heroes of the so-called the danger is nearby, but it does not directly affect the heroes,
- red color - our heroes directly "face" the danger / adversity from which they do not necessarily come out without detriment to their health.
As you can see, it is not bad :P And it is clear that you can actually divide the project into 1-6 and 7-12, because the differentiation of scenes will be spread out in a half. There will be/is a bit more action in Part I, but Part II will start with an objectionable scene :D I know that some people may complain that there isn't too much action, but this expansion was supposed to explain the plot, as there were very few explanations in previous projects.
Another point... I don't want to remove the scene selection buttons (below) - it will be too much work... so that's why I want to block them so-called. scenes 7-12 will be locked for 'Part I'. My question for @Animetion24 (mostly) - what should it look like? After hovering over the icon (scene image), the inscription should appear (on a darkened background) - "Available in Part II"? Or maybe a different text?
PS. @Animetion24, how about text "cleanup" in the project - Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part I? Short Description / Description. Would you like to "clean it up" already?
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott?
You really go all out even at the planning stage! Personally no problems with there being a calmer/more expansive segment for the latter half, though especially when it starts with a more intense scene I suppose a lot of people might be, would've been ideal maybe with a calm start and all the more action towards the end...
But anyway, as long as it's well-paced and intriguing... should be good.
Potential typo in post title btw, if Palnning isn't maybe planning in Polish. ;)
Thanks! Unfortunately, this is how the story "worked out" and nothing shoud be changed in the scenes anymore, and it seems to me that there is no point in "artificially" adding action scenes...
No XD I was made a mistake (typo) :P Thanks!