Welcome everyone!
It's only been 10 days since the last Poster, and a month since the completion of 'Scene 3'... We are still fighting on the project 'Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part I' like you see dear NG users :) Someone outside our team is also excited to finish this project? How are you doing? Are you okay?
Before I get into the details, I will mention the changes that I made, namely - after 'Scene 2' our heroes have more details of dirt on their faces due to the increased effort. Such updated to the details.
However, I currently finished the 'Scene 4'! It's a scene showing the emotions and approach of the heroes to the current situation in which they find themselves. My guess is everyone would like to watch a bloody massacre instead. XD Well, it's still 'Reduce Saga', not some pointless slasher. :P
Anyway, as you can see, our heroes have found a new place to hide from the monsters... but as @Animetion24 himself mentioned, this place looks terrible and is claustrophobic. It is not a perfect five-star hotel XD
This scene takes: 76.6 seconds, so quite long :) The four scenes ('Scene 1' and 'Scene 2' and 'Scene 3' and 'Scene 4') are 270.6 seconds.
This project will be a bit shorter compared to the previous one, but for sure it will have great and original sounds / music thanks to @ChordC - our great sound maker and artist :D
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott? I updated the .exe and .swf file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)
I have a little break from NG because of flat's renovation and general preparing for my first daughter, but I'm back.
I like this scene:
- base looks like I have expected.
- sounds of night are perfect
- I like calm Keni's voice. It different than this normal 'you are stupid, morons'
- I did not feel that scene has over 60 seconds. It is interesting.
I did not like in this scene
- It worked slowly on my computer. I had to watch on 'low' option.
Looking forward to see next scene.
Keep well guys! Now pandemic is a little weaker, but it still exists!
Well it's understandable you're busy.
Keni says, what the situation is :P Before he screamed, and now he talks calmly. :P Normal...
In my 'window' view it runs smoothly on 'High'. I'm getting a bit cut on 'Full'. Unfortunately, the reason for this is the effect added to the character...
You have a weak computer XD Hehehehehe...
Thanks for the encouragement :) Nice of you :P
I'm currently doing a MovieClip - Keni sneaking... it's very labor intensive...