Welcome everyone!
First thing:
I'm honored to say that I almost received all the dialogues for the character (to Part II - R3). @Plasmarift sent me the last part dialogues for 'Kani' and all the dialogues for 'Mejson'. I haven't had time to cut / preparation these dialogues yet. But I'm convinced that they are remarkable - great quality and workmanship. I'm still waiting for fixes from @Cyberdevil and dialogues from @Animetion24. I suspect the first is busy and the second is still sick, well... like me. I hope everything will be alright.
Main thing:
As we noticed from the picture above, we were able to convert SWF to MP4. It's a good news! This is especially due to @Mazurek, because he sent to me and helped me adjust the new program. Thank you for your help! I saved a lot of cash :P
Next thing:
But let's get down to business... I'm asking everyone added to the project to approve it (if you haven't already). @Animetion24, I'm asking you to add a short description (<desc>) and a description (<text>) as for the previous project 'mp4' format. You can do it? I am convinced that you will create another masterpiece. I trust your wonderful creativity.
If everything will be ready, there will be a publication on Tuesday, and if not, then next Tuesday. Tuesday is the day when other great artists do not publish their projects (animations). We'll have a chance XD
Extra thing:
I'm still working on planning of Scene 13 - Version 1 :P Strictly speaking, it's a dream of Mr. Mate - bloody fight (skill show). This dream will be as a separate Poster (Scene 13 - Part I) because it will be convenient, but the scene will be animated normally (as a whole).
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @Animetion24, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Colizza, @XavierDalton, @MATRVG?
Cool planning, man! I didn't knew God-DL has been KIA until I've saw this :(
Thanks for your comment, homie. Well... that's not weird. The expansion (Pass of Time) is not very popular somehow... Cool.