Welcome everyone!
First thing:
It's surprising how hard was to animating for the last 3 weeks. This is due to the fact that I am not a fan of heat and high temperatures. Summer is not my thing... I don't enjoy it in any of the ways available to me (I can do the same thing in winter). And it is only the cause of fatigue and lack of desire and energy. Mainly because I wasn't able to finish this scene early, I was too tired after work, or rather exhausted by the damn weather this summer... Okay, enough of the ominous staff :P How are you doing this summer? Do you have similar feelings? Is summer heaven on earth for you? I guess some people just live their lives enjoying every carefree moment without creating anything and not spending time in front of the computer. It seems cool, but looking back, when I didn't do animation for two years - I got the impression that it was a waste of time because in the end I couldn't keep a certain person with me... well, whatever. What happened happened...
Main thing:
Back to the highlight of the show... Here's the finished Scene 12! As you (probably) noticed, it bears the title - Pass of Time, as the original subtitle of the whole add-on. It is a specific scene (like no other) that is not short. It lasts 137 seconds, so it's pretty cool. The passing of time and the music playing... that's all that's needed. My dear team, what do you think about this solution? Intrigued you? Curious? I'm curious about your opinions. From the next good news, I will say that this is the last scene, so get ready for another Poster! It's possible that a Promotional Poster will appear today! So grab your paws and rakes and shout to announce the good news to everyone! Let everyone know that Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part II premieres this Tuesday! Go on my comrades! To arms! Uhh... I mean to advertise XD
Extra thing:
From the next interesting things, this is quite unique information. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary, we have a surprise for you all! I'll quote my brother because he already described it nicely on Discord :P
I have talked with my big bro and he has very (very) interesting idea. He wants to publish full reduce movie (R1, R2, R2: PoT) without any additional scene. Just action. It will be done as 10th anniversary. Additionally he proposed to add some your comments as "authors and fans notes". I like this idea very much but it needs to be done properly. I propose to meet at discord some day and watch it together and just try have fun and some thoughts. Because of time zones it won’t be easy so I start here discussion. If you want to participate can you write as first phase the range of hours that are possible for you to join. Let’s stick with utc time zone. Let’s assume at this moment weekend days (Sunday or Saturday) but I am not even sure if you have the same free days as we Europeans. I live in Poland so it’s very close to utc time zone so I am available 13.00 - 24.00. Of course English will be language used and drinking alcohol is allowed :p
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @AzureDragoonGX, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Colizza, @XavierDalton, @MATRVG, @uncookboi, @adr3-n? I remind you comrades (Crew) that you have access to the project view and you can familiarize yourself with the new scene!
I like the idea, we have shown process of butterfly's taming in dynamic way. Great job!
Thanks! Glad you like it!
Thanks for the comment bro!