Welcome everyone!
First thing:
Hey guys! Greetings not only for my crew, but also for all over NG! Regards! How have you been spending your time lately? I'm sick again... this year it's a curse! I hate winter... personally, I get nothing out of this season... absolutely nothing. It's a bit sad, but it's true :/ What can you do? So I've been spending some time in my apartment lately and it hasn't been great :/ However, I'm still struggling, although it hasn't been easy lately. I'm tired lately, but I'm also resting a lot :P I'm working less on the project, I hope I'll be able to devote more time to 'R3' after dealing with some issues. Greetings to you once again!
Main thing:
This time it won't be anything spectacular - nothing extraordinary... but as you noticed from the title and photo - it's a change in the QUALITY of the film. It is made in accordance with the intuition and concept of the entire interface. It's certainly pleasing to the eye, and the color transitions are smooth. As in the screenshot above we have:
- information about where we are (upper left corner),
- slider to increase/decrease musics list scrolling speed (above),
- remaining - standard options (upper right corner),
- text information explaining operation (above and below),
- return to the main menu (bottom left corner),
- information on what the user has moved the cursor over (bottom right corner),
- three clickable cards (photos) in the middle that are also buttons.
In the next Poster I will present the appearance/functions of the next section - TROPHIES MENU. This will be a section devoted to trophies (Easter eggs) that will refer to less/more important aspects (life situations / passions for something, etc.) for Team f-gents. :) But, tsss... more information on this topic ('how' and 'where' and 'what') in the next Poster :P
What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil, @AzureDragoonGX, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Colizza, @XavierDalton, @MATRVG, @uncookboi, @adr3-n?
@Mejson Why Mazurek is low (lowest)? xd
Because he is the only one (of the three) who does not have ADHD or mental illness XD
Thanks for comment! Regards!