
Age 38, Male

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Reduce 3 - Episode 1 - Update 2

Posted by Mejson - 6 days ago


Welcome everyone!

First thing:

Greetings to you guys! My homies and the whole NG gang! What a time! Time flies! Incredibly fast! That's why... people... do what you've always wanted to do and never postpone it! Because... you'll never do it! Hehe :P Always do it regularly, and you don't have to do a lot at once :0 That's good too :) I also sometimes postpone something, but I try to do everything in small steps and it actually works! Yes, you're right... it's mainly about Reduce 3 :P Cool, hehehe xD Okay, I also spend a lot of time with my treasure :) My wonderful love :P Hehe, I'll brag a little, why not! We spend time together nicely and sometimes we go to different places - on bikes and for different walks :) It's a nice break from creating animations and QA work. And how are things going for you? I'm curious :) Maybe you'll share? And if you don't have a partner, you can tell me what's going on with your family lately :) That's also great. The weather has been getting worse lately unfortunately... I mean it's getting colder... and because of that I can't ride my bike as often and it's not sunny, so the time of year is starting when it's not so nice anymore - now it gets dark early and you also have to hide from the cold, but you have to move somehow... exercise somehow... ehh, I hope I won't have to go back to the gym :/ Because I don't like it anymore... sitting with strangers in a smelly room :/ nothing nice... but maybe I'll find something more interesting. Er... I think that's enough of my therapy here xD Okay, so let's move on to Reduce 3 itself, which I'm happy with (so far xD).

Main thing:

Oh yes! Exactly... because you probably want to hear about Reduce 3, right? So where are those hands up? <crowd goes crazy> Well, since there are so many people willing, let's start! Waiter! Open the champagne! I will be writing about Reduce 3! So I'll start with some general information - what's going on in the animation... after the first part (that dream of the main wonderful character - Mejson :P) comes the second part - a fight / struggle with Mejson's biggest nightmare, Steve... Steve Demon! <crowd shouts - madness!>. Of course, creating something like this is always time-consuming and sometimes creating a 2s movie takes 2h... that's how it is, lol. And since I'm writing about it, I'll tell you how long it is in total - Episode 1... It's currently - 121.5s! I think it's pretty good! :) I don't know how long this dream (nightmare) will be yet, but I intend to get as much out of this action as I can! But don't worry because I'm always trying to do something new (nothing repeats itself too much). @MariogD... you bastard, don't complain! A strong start is a good start! And in previous seasons there wasn't a good longer fight! Let's have fun :P And later there will be time for a rich scene - logic, emotions, meaning and message (and other crap xD). Cool, just kidding :P So I'm going to start my roller skates in this nightmare... because I can! Buehehehehe xD Ahem... I declare that I'm still healthy in body and mind :P Cool. Hmm, what else can I add... Keep your fingers crossed! Oh, I forgot to write earlier... health and happiness to you! Because that's the most important thing!

Extra thing:

@MATRVG greetings! I wanted to mention that he is currently working on CS.SiFvsSa2C#2 Remastered! I am very proud and happy with the progress of this project! Keep up the good work! I hope we will see a release in the near future! Greetings, @MATRVG once again! Make a hand's wave to him!

I think the poster turned out great, so please comment and rate it here:

In the next Poster I will present... Well... Probably another progress of this scene just getting started! It will be spicy! Yeeea! :P Well... Just like last time... I know I repeated myself, hehehe :P

@Cyberdevil, @AzureDragoonGX, @ChordC, @MariogD, @SayMeBott, @Mazurek, @Colizza, @XavierDalton, @MATRVG, @uncookboi, @adr3-n? My crew, you can now see it in the project preview - Reduce 3 - Episode I!




Update is gud, your life is gud, the weather is gud, animation is gud, everything is gud

Continue your gud life :)

Soo... you like it? It sounds a lot like a new Easter Egg for Reduce 4 xD It'll definitely be there :P Hehehehe.

Thanks for the comment! Your comments and opinion mean a lot to me!

Definitely was surreal to see one illustrated list of death turn into another (without spoiling anything for the non-project members). But I guess given how Mejson pops out of his tent (like a backwards banana peel) in the beginning, we were really going to be in for it.

A strong start that makes me await further updates for sure.

Well yes, definitely surrealistic :P Yes, indeed :) Is this a death list? :P Maybe not necessarily - more like advertising banners :P Unless I misunderstood something, heheh :P Don't worry about spoilers... few people watch our work and when it premieres, over 90% of the total number of people will probably be people who watch this film out of curiosity / by accident xD So it will probably be something new for them :P Don't worry, being not particularly well-known also has its advantages :P Hehehe. Like a banana peel? Hehe, interesting comparison :P Great! Cool! Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you like it :P Probably the next update (Reduce 3 - Episode 1 - Update 3) will be in a month or a little longer. Best regards!

@Mejson tsaaaa... autumn rules! don't change my mind :)

I've seen first 121,5 seconds and my impression is: it's a trailer for Diablo V! Damn boiiiii!
A bit funny, a bit scary - but essential! Hell yeah! It was worth all those hours :)

I also saw @MATRVG progress on CS.SiFvsSa2C#2 Remastered - it will be a true revolution because of the number of characters. I'm seriously curious about the final effect :3

'Tsaaaa..' - xD @SayMeBott essence :P Hehehe... it's like bread and ham! They can't exist without each other! :P You say that autumn will be gracious? I hope so :) Ok, I hope it's cool.

Yes, the first and the whole 121.5 s! :P Hehe, Diablo V trailer? Nice xD

Ooo... thanks! Yeah! I think it's an interesting combination :) It's actually nice to hear such flattering words from the king of destruction himself! :P Continuing... yeah, for such a CS fan waiting for another remaster - CS.SiFvsSa2C#2 Remastered will also be an extraordinary experience :) Yeah! When it comes to the number of characters... someone went wild here xD Hehehe. Yeah, we can't wait to see the final result!

Thank you for the comment! And your words are like honey to my old tired Flash animator heart! xD

Damn, man! What an update... made me want to throw another project into my mind, or assist you in Flash :O
Keep up the gud work and Stay Focused, Stay Alive.

Yeah! Thanks bro! Well I think it's not too bad :) Nooo... don't go crazy! :P You have enough projects :D Well... it's hard for you to help me unfortunately because we have different styles :/ But I appreciate the willingness to help :) It's important to me that you're here! Great! You can focus on CS.SiFvsSa2C#2 Remastered... I can't wait to see more! It's going to be another masterpiece! I don't remember... will there be some cool gags / jokes in the Main Menu as well? Yes, I will continue! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I also wish you - Stay Focused, Stay Alive!

In all seriousness, I am glad that you are in good health and starting a new chapter in your life. Take your time on the animation, nothing rushed is gud :)

Continue the journey

Quite seriously, thank you :) Thank you! I deserved it like a peasant deserves a potato! :P Mate... I can't hurry :D This is my flaw and advantage at the same time... I do it thoroughly and as best as I can :)

"I'm going on Adventure!!!" xD

Enjoy the sun while it lasts, gotta get them vitamins D. Just don't ride too fast so we get to see the end result :)

Eee thanks... thanks I guess! xD It sounded like that so I wouldn't kill myself... so you could see the continued :P Because otherwise no... a bit creepy, but thanks a lot! Greetings! Thanks for the comment!

Scene incredible so far. Waiting for the next frames

Yes! Thanks! Now frames is... 3104 :P

*hands up! hands up!*

Exciting new encounters here too. :) And great advice on the doing what you've always wanted to right away, right now, never later!!! ...but I think I'll still catch up with a few more Reduce items that popped up in my feed before I do, and maybe some other things after that. XD

Health and happiness to you also! Have some back issues lately but I've started going to a chiropractor, hopefully it sorts itself out!


Yes, absolutely! Everything's new! :) Hehe, I'm glad you like it :P Cool, and what about you? Where have you been? :) You've been gone for a while...

Thank you :) Health is the most important! Ohhh, what about your back? I've also been having some issues with my neck and muscles lately, but it's very slight :P So I'm not complaining :) I'd also love to go to a masseur, chiropractor, etc.

Yes yes! :D

I've been up at the family farm for the most part through July > end of September. :) Got back a week or so ago, catching up...

Well I've had back issues before, I think it just has to do with bad posture, too much computer time without breaks, overtime it's become more and more of an issue. I wake up with back pain, it seems my vertebrae isn't currently perfectly aligned in the middle, so that's what we're working on. Right now it feels great though, next chiropractor visit on Monday, have to go a few times so they don't slip back to the wrong place, and keep a good posture in the meantime...

Oh maybe a massage would be ideal for you if it's more so tension, could've used a bit of that in advance I think, preventive countermeasures. :) Ultimately the muscles can impact the discs, so with just enough exercise and stretching shouldn't get long-term issues, I need to get better at it. Chiropractor IMHO is more a last resort. XD

It's like: https://youtube.com/shorts/8bSS4F1DxGM

:P :P :P

I see... it's great that you rested / got away from the city / computer! It's healthy :P Here you can quote a certain text by @ChordC :P hehehe.

Well you're right... that's why it's important to go for a bike ride for 25km after 8 hours of work in front of the computer - uphill and downhill, it causes a certain hang and work of the back muscles as well. And it also regulates the pressure in the eyeballs, which are also exposed... It helps me :P Cool.

Oh dear... don't touch overtime... because you're already gone :/ This is pure evil... once you start, you won't finish... this is the harsh truth and it's as bad as drugs...

This is a serious matter :/ I hope you get better :) I keep my fingers crossed and hope it gets better!

I think a massage would be cool :) Yeah, you know, but I don't have time and it's not on my "way", but oh well...

Best wishes and thanks for everything!

...but it does help! XD

Indeed. :) And sustainable too, speaking of the way the world's going... it's nice to be able to farm your own food, and know how much more nutrient dense it is compared to food you buy. Though it doesn't last that long after summer - except berries and potatoes. Say didn't your parents farm too, did you get home-grown food as well?

Ah it probably helps maintain your sight too, right... do you take a 25 km ride every work day?! That's impressive if so, I need to step my game up!

Indeed, and thank you. :) So far it does seem better, I think as long as I make an effort to live healthier it ought keep going that way. Mmm it's a cost too of course, whatever kind of relaxation you can get should work just as well, warm baths are great too, a good bed's great, it's the little things. :P

Thank you!

Well... it used to be, but now someone rents most of it from us, and we ourselves have apples, pears, grapes, raspberries, cherries and sweet cherries, etc. Oh, and also nuts of various kinds - on the plot. And near the family home, my mother has a garden with cucumbers and tomatoes and many plants... Currently, it's more of a hobby than the concept of your own crops.

Yes, it's good for the body... of everyone, but if I'm riding... because sometimes I have a break when something else keeps me occupied, or I don't have the strength or something :P

Well, you're right as always :) Fortunately, I'm in good health and I don't have any diseases - neither acquired nor genetic. So, cool.

Thank you!

Aha! Well that's a nice way to make some passive income too, and you really do have plenty of fruits then, and nuts, that's great. :) Even if it's more a hobby I wish more people could grow their own crops like this, even if you just have a balcony you can still grow a little, that's one way to make the world a bit more sustainable for all. It's fun too, to really see food grow from the ground-up, from nothing to a full meal. :)

Mmm so not everyday then? How many days a week do you think you're out biking? Very cool either way.

Good to hear. :)

Hmm, in my family we don't trade anything - those are different times I guess :P Or maybe it's just that in my area only farmers do that :P But, of course it's nice to have your own :) 'Family Home' with its own property, so no balcony :P

It's hard for me to say how many days... it varies :P

Best regards!

You mean trade as in sell the crops? I meant just renting the land, that sounds like a nice way to make passive income. Indeed we don't trade either, don't really have that kind of surplus. :) We do give some to friends and neighbors... indeed! Yeah that's even better, but for everyone that doesn't have any actual land even a balcony works! :D

Alright alright, well any number of days is a good number. :)

All the best!

Er... I understand, but we don't take anything from the lease :P I guess it's more to do with the principle that the field should not lie fallow :) Anyway, I don't know... xD

Recently I've been walking with my love :P It's cold and autumn :)

All the best!

Oh! I think rent usually implies there's a cost, but that's cool, benevolent principles. :)

That's awesome. :)


Well... I don't really know what the rules are, but we're definitely not making a fortune out of it :p


Mmm if you do get anything at all from it it still sounds like a win/win, or even if you don't. Someone gets to use the land, and the land gets used, and everyone gains a little somehow. :)


Hopefully :)