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Mejson's News

Posted by Mejson - July 9th, 2021


Welcome everyone!

Those two weeks passed quickly, especially when they were so hot. Yes, the sun did not spare us. Certainly this Poster and 'Scene 5' would be created faster if I did not feel like sprat in the can XD

Only one 'Scene' in the project 'Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part I' separates us from completing this project like you see dear NG users :)

I currently finished the 'Scene 5'! It's a scene showing the emotions when two asshole "friends" (who knows) get together after a long time. My guess is everyone would like to watch a bloody massacre like broken limbs and decapitation XD

This scene takes: 52.1 seconds, so quite long :) The five scenes ('Scene 1' and 'Scene 2' and 'Scene 3' and 'Scene 4' and 'Scene 5') are 322.7 seconds.

I also remind you about the Wallpaper that I created occasionally:

Thanks to @ChordC for the sounds :)

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott? I updated the .exe and .swf file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)





Posted by Mejson - June 23rd, 2021


Welcome everyone!

It's only been 10 days since the last Poster, and a month since the completion of 'Scene 3'... We are still fighting on the project 'Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part I' like you see dear NG users :) Someone outside our team is also excited to finish this project? How are you doing? Are you okay?

Before I get into the details, I will mention the changes that I made, namely - after 'Scene 2' our heroes have more details of dirt on their faces due to the increased effort. Such updated to the details.

However, I currently finished the 'Scene 4'! It's a scene showing the emotions and approach of the heroes to the current situation in which they find themselves. My guess is everyone would like to watch a bloody massacre instead. XD Well, it's still 'Reduce Saga', not some pointless slasher. :P

Anyway, as you can see, our heroes have found a new place to hide from the monsters... but as @Animetion24 himself mentioned, this place looks terrible and is claustrophobic. It is not a perfect five-star hotel XD

This scene takes: 76.6 seconds, so quite long :) The four scenes ('Scene 1' and 'Scene 2' and 'Scene 3' and 'Scene 4') are 270.6 seconds.

This project will be a bit shorter compared to the previous one, but for sure it will have great and original sounds / music thanks to @ChordC - our great sound maker and artist :D

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott? I updated the .exe and .swf file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)





Posted by Mejson - June 12th, 2021



Welcome everyone!

It's the best time for a new Poster :) As I mentioned for a few days I was creating a new background / terrain that our heroes would survival :P As you can see, this is a kind of 'Base I' that can be used as a hiding / secret place. :P Here's the new Poster - 'Base I' :D This 'I' it means that this is the beginning - the heroes haven't finished building this base yet... because how many can be built in 13 hours? Probably not much...

However, it's definitely a great place for - 'A New Beginning'. Zip can rest. Mazurek develop his passions as an inventor / handyman. Keni provided materials while fulfilling his sick desires to kill. The best place for everyone...

PS. I created an animated light effect from torches and naturally all objects and characters have the appropriate glow from the torches mentioned. It will definitely look great and will created a wonderful effect. :P

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott?





Posted by Mejson - June 4th, 2021


Welcome everyone!

It's been a few days since the last Poster... well, lately I have a lot of work in the office and I haven't drawn the Scene 4 background yet... You know, sometimes it happens, and you can't do nothing.

However, I did take the time to fix some visual and functional bugs. By the way, how do you like the photo? It's a situation jouk who talked about... bugs... in projects XD. I also invite you here:

It came out pretty fun, so I added that as Art as well. :P

Corrected bugs:

  • character appearance in the Main Menu,
  • text in Credits,
  • farewell text in Credits (End of Part I... See you in Part II!),
  • bottom bar of black in Credits,
  • character appearance in Credits,
  • playing music in a Playlist
  • "Gear" menu always on top in Scenes.

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott? I updated the .exe and .swf file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)





Posted by Mejson - May 25th, 2021


Welcome everyone!

Very long since the last Poster... well, it's not that I'm lazy, but because my laptop has broken-down... actually, it was irreparably damaged, I sold him as a damaged... well... Sometimes shit happens xD

Well, I currently finished the Scene 3! Contrary to appearances, this lasted: 7 days (not counting the month when I could not work on animation) :P This scene takes: 46.3 seconds, so quite good :) The three scenes ('Scene 1' and 'Scene 2' and 'Scene 3') are 194.0 seconds.

I currently work on a new desktop computer and I have an amazing stuff for it, makes it easier for me a very convenient job :) I'm satisfied with this equipment.

In addition to Scene 3 I corrected several trinkets in Main Menu, Credits. And if I talk about Credits, I have a question for all:

Recently, we have established that this is 'Part I' so text: "End of Reduce 2... See you in Reduce 3!" Currently does not match (it will fit after 'Part II')... What text should be here?

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott? I updated the .exe and .swf file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)





Posted by Mejson - April 15th, 2021



Welcome everyone!

It's high time for a new Poster :) As I mentioned for a few days I was creating a new background / terrain that our heroes would explore :P As you can see, this is a kind of 'Recess' that can be used as a secluded / secret place. :P Here's the new Poster - 'Recess' :D

As you can see it's 'Recess' - new terrain, it's somewhere at the bottom - as you can see, where are the different elements / objects... They can certainly be useful for creating many interesting objects / elements. Certainly, a big fantasy on the part of 'Mazurek' will help :) Everyone thinks that the huge strength and killer character of 'Keni' ensures survival... But what is the truth? I think the mind is stronger than the muscles, but not always XD I think you need both :)

Ps. This area is so looong that I had to cut the screen in two! XD The character 'Rash' has been placed there for size comparison :P This little asshole come in handy XD

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott?





Posted by Mejson - April 8th, 2021


Welcome everyone!

New Poster again, there is no need to delay because it is a minor update :) I looked again and corrected / updated the final Credits.

Updated to be detection so Scene 6 is the last one. And I added / finished credits - dialogues and photos :P

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott? I updated the .exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :) You shoud selected / palyed Scene 6 and wait a moments. :P





Posted by Mejson - April 7th, 2021


Welcome everyone!

New Poster after 4 days :) But this time it is an update related to planning / reviewing all scenes, because there is a need to think about the whole animation on: Part I and Part II.

Before I created this workbook, I wasn't sure how to manage these scenes effectively, so it's a good update :P And now I know :D I added a file to shared files with crew in the project.

Now let's take a look at the clip below - these are all scenes. The colors represent:

  • green color - these are "calm" scenes, i.e. those in which there are conversations / plot / shown relations between the characters,
  • yellow color - means a certain risk that affects the heroes of the so-called the danger is nearby, but it does not directly affect the heroes,
  • red color - our heroes directly "face" the danger / adversity from which they do not necessarily come out without detriment to their health.


As you can see, it is not bad :P And it is clear that you can actually divide the project into 1-6 and 7-12, because the differentiation of scenes will be spread out in a half. There will be/is a bit more action in Part I, but Part II will start with an objectionable scene :D I know that some people may complain that there isn't too much action, but this expansion was supposed to explain the plot, as there were very few explanations in previous projects.

Another point... I don't want to remove the scene selection buttons (below) - it will be too much work... so that's why I want to block them so-called. scenes 7-12 will be locked for 'Part I'. My question for @Animetion24 (mostly) - what should it look like? After hovering over the icon (scene image), the inscription should appear (on a darkened background) - "Available in Part II"? Or maybe a different text?


PS. @Animetion24, how about text "cleanup" in the project - Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part I? Short Description / Description. Would you like to "clean it up" already?

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott?





Posted by Mejson - April 2nd, 2021


Welcome everyone!

It's been 9 days since the last Poster, which is more or less as usual... except that it's a unique Poster, as it documents the completion of 'Scene 2'! :D Personally, I admit that this scene was a big challenge (for me), and the processing itself took quite a long time, although it's not surprising as this scene contains longer moments of the fight. This 'Scene 2' is 90.5s, so quite a long time. The two scenes ('Scene 1' and 'Scene 2') are 147.7s. You can see that there are some consequences, which we will discuss below (I think some already figured it out).

First of all, I would like to thank the whole team without which this animation could not have been made! Thank you very much! All together and individually!

I decided that there is no point in posting (in the Poster) the next (previous) events, because there is no point in revealing the content to everyone - let it be a surprise. And those who have access to the project can watch it for themselves. :)

The second quite important piece of information is the fact that we (together with my brother) decided to divide this project into two parts. Adequately are 'Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part I' and 'Reduce 2: Pass of Time - Part II'. Of course, separate projects will be adequately created for the .mp4 version. Coming back to the main thread... in the main menu of this animation I changed the designation to: R2: Pass of Time - Part I, as in the print screen below:


The third and most unclear thing is the division of the animation... how many scenes should there be in each part ('Part I' and 'Part II'). Contrary to appearances, it's not easy, because one scene is not equal to another... and it should be divided in such a way that both (mentioned) parts of the animation are equally interesting and contain: combat, plot and emotions.

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott? I updated the .exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)





Posted by Mejson - March 23rd, 2021


Welcome everyone!

It's 8 days since the last Poster, so I think not too bad - you didn't have to wait too long for the new update :P As you can guess, it's time for a real tough guy and a massacre to enter the scene - Keni XD Maybe he's a terrible asshole and narcissism, but he can deal with the threat :D

But let's move on to the update... Reduce 2 - Pass of Time - 'Scene 2' now is 69 seconds :P It's new 12 seconds, and the whole fight with Zombies is already underway - 21 seconds :D

Previously events in 'Scene 2':

  • the camera shows the area - a cliff (depressions),
  • zoom in on Mazurek - breathes heavily, then looks into the abyss, then goes to the others (left),
  • the camera (with Mazurek) moves next to sitting Keni, who looks at Mazurek (he stops next to Keni),
  • the camera pauses (zooms in) on the Zip, who is breathing heavily (dripping sweat), and after a while says irritated: "What the fuck was that?!",
  • the camera returns to the other heroes (the two), Mazurek looks sadly at Zip, then looks at Keni who shrugs and relaxes his neck,
  • Mazurek (his face expresses irritation at Keni's behavior) turns away from Keni and looks down at the ground (he touches his chin with his hand - thoughts), after a while Mazurek says: "Calm down, we need to hide and rethink the next steps...",
  • Keni says (with pity) looking at Mazurek: "You have no idea...",
  • Mazurek looks at him with discontent, then turns (towards Zip) and makes a terrified face, Keni also looks in that direction and reacts similarly,
  • camera moves on seated Zip...
  • ...God-DL Zombie appears behind him,
  • lunges at him (grunts) and flips him to the ground,
  • Zip squints his eyes tightly and groans (from the impact),
  • his impact raises dust around them,
  • after a while, Zip tries to get up (he looks terrified),
  • God-DL Zombie, seeing this, immediately presses him to the ground,
  • Zip freezes his eyes softly, God-DL Zombie roars in anger...
  • God-DL Zombie then raises Zip's arm and bites him (bites off some skin and meat),
  • Zip screams and throws himself in pain,
  • God-DL Zombie swallows a bite of meat and raises his head a bit as he is interested in Mazurek,
  • he running to save his friend,
  • Mazurek from the bottom takes a swing (with a slide) and hits God-DL Zombie in the face with a hammer,
  • this hit spills monster black blood,
  • God-DL Zombie sharply leans back (makes a grunt),
  • but after a short while he hits Mazurek who was getting ready to the next blow (from above),
  • Mazurek is thrown back and falls on his back...

Current events in 'Scene 2':

  • God-DL Zombie has a new interest in Zip,
  • it seems like he's about to feed on his victim again,
  • however, Mazurek's hammer unexpectedly flies, hitting the monster in the face,
  • resulting in a few cuts and a small splash of black blood,
  •  God-DL Zombie temporarily loses interest in Zip and roars furiously at Mazurek,
  • meanwhile, Zip seizes the opportunity and rises a little on his hands,
  • God-DL Zombie brings his face closer to Zip's head again,
  • Zip takes advantage of the situation and hit God-DL Zombie with the back of his head,
  • the monster grunts again, then presses Zip to the ground and roars at him,
  • Zip grunts in pain and curses,
  • God-DL Zombie wants to bite Zip again, but suddenly Keni runs up (from left),
  • the zombie rises in surprise, and at this point Keni break God-DL Zombie neck,
  • God-DL Zombie slides down (onto the Zip),
  • Zip makes a slight grunt...

@ChordC, thank you! Another amazing sounds! I don't know what we would have done if it hadn't been for your involvement in the project :) Great job, mate! I am grateful and happy that you are with us :D

What do you think about it, @Cyberdevil@Animetion24@ChordC@MariogD@SayMeBott@Mazurek and Rashty92? I updated the .exe file, so feel free to watch and opinion :)


